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to our parish website.

We’d love you to join us for worship. Just turn up and you’ll find a friendly welcome.

There is a service at 11am every Sunday, an 8:30am Communion service on the first Sunday of  the month (except JUl and August), and generally also a 10am Daybreak Service for children and families and others who enjoy fun, interactive worship,  on the 3rd Sunday. Please check on the What’s Happening page for up to date information.

You can also tune in to our Sunday Worship on the YouTube St. Canice’s page. See our Facebook page for a link to this.

See below for details of two upcoming events that are well worth coming along to

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This parish upholds the Safeguarding Trust code of good practice in its ministry with children and young people. See the Who We Are page for details of the parish panel members and other information.

2016 Parish of Faughanvale, Diocese of Derry & Raphoe


Our aim is to offer worship that engages people of all ages and outlooks and draws them into an experience of God’s holiness, grace and power.  We see the time we spend together on Sunday as the focus for the worship we offer with the whole of our lives.

Our 11am worship services are relaxed, simple and varied with a good sense of participation by people of all ages, with a mix of traditional and contemporary music.

In addition we offer occasional extra services, mid-week or on Sunday evenings, of various types.

This week’s Daybreak Service is focusing on the theme of “Open Eyes”, and will be based around the story of Bartimaeus. Here is a simple fun activity that you can do to link in with the service Blind Bart boxes

Please check the What’s happening? page for latest details.


Copyright © 2016 Parish Of Faughanvale, Diocese of Derry & Raphoe
Website by Nearthing.co.uk

What’s Happening?

For up to date information on what’s happening this week and beyond please click on this link 23 March 25 Newsletter for a copy of the weekly news sheet. It’s also worth checking the St. Canice’s Facebook page.

For resources for Mental Health Awareness please click here Resources for mental health (parish)

Copyright © 2016 Parish Of Faughanvale, Diocese of Derry & Raphoe

Website by Nearthing.co.uk

What’s On Offer?

Choir – practices as announced for special services at key times of the year

SPARK for young people of secondary school age meets on Friday evenings in the hall every other week. See the weekly news sheet for details.

JAM (children’s ministry for 4-12s) – 11am in the hall during term-time. Lots of fun activities and imaginative Bible-learning

SPARK – for young people meets on alternative Fridays at 7pm in the Youth Room.


Confirmation Group – for those preparing for full membership and public commitment of faith. As announced.

Occasional meetings for Bible study, fellowship and prayer are held; also faith discovery courses. Please see weekly news sheet for details.

what's on offer at Parish of Faughanvale

Copyright © 2016 Parish Of Faughanvale, Diocese of Derry & Raphoe
Website by Nearthing.co.uk


Kivlehan twinsOrW3W2Baby HazelJamison baby 1Baby CarlandMcKenna's baptismOrdinationLay downCanon-PaulPianoVestry






History of St Canice’s Church

In the 6th century St Canice built a small church in the townland of Faughanvale. which is in the village of Greysteel which is about three miles from the village of Eglinton.

Following the plantation of Ulster in 1615 the Grocers’ Company of the City of London was granted a substantial manor of some 16,000 acres in size stretching from the banks at Lough Foyle. The village then known as Muff (meaning a plain, from the flat land in the area) became the headquarters of the Grocers’ Company in Ireland. Indeed, their Manor House known as the Grocers’ Castle was situated on the site of the present-day Rectory. In 1823 James McAuley was paid £18 to demolish the castle and the rubble was used to build the Rectory. It should be noted that the name Faughanvale in the case of the parish means ‘new ecclesiastical settlement which has a completely different meaning from the townland of Faughanvale

The Grocers’ Company then in 1622 decided to build a new church closer to the centre of their estate and in 1622 it opened and the gable wall can be found in the grounds of the present church.

In 1826 the Grocers’ Company built a new church to the design of the church at Fahan in County Donegal, a rectangular nave with a tower at the West end.

North and South transepts were added in 1856 as the select vestry at the time considered that the church was unbalanced. The chancel was added in 1899 by WE Scott of Willsborough in memory of his wife and daughter and the East Window was installed in memory of Major WE Scott who hand been responsible for the chancel.

The Michaels and Gallagher families were great benefactors of the church in the 1930s. I August 1936 Mrs Eliza Michaels died. She was the daughter if Thomas Gallagher who founded the famous tobacco company of Gallagher’s. Thomas Gallagher’s father, also called Thomas was the miller in Templemoyle Mill and he and his wife are buried in the church grave yard.

The most impressive burial monument is that on the Spencer family the monument was erected in 1766 by Paul Spencer who share an ancestral link with Earl Spencer of Althrop in Northamptonshire (i.e. related to Lady Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales.)

A close association was formed between the church and the nearby military airfield in the 1940s and 1950s and to commemorate worship in the church by RNAs personnel the church has on display naval colours and an ensign and crest of HMS Gannet.

The church grave yard has graves of service personnel from WW1 the late Mr Monteith, one of the last of the Derrys and a man with a marvellous war record, and WW2 (35 men and 1 woman who lost their lives during World War 2.

The oldest pieces of communion silver is a chalice gifted by Robert Harrington which is inscribed 9th April 1637 and, the communion paten inscribed by the Spencer Family.

The beautiful stained glass windows are by Shrigley and Hunt of Lancaster, and were manufactured in December 1929. They are magnificent and well worth a look at.


Copyright © 2016 Parish Of Faughanvale, Diocese of Derry & Raphoe
Website by Nearthing.co.uk

Who Are We?

The Church of Ireland parish of Faughanvale is situated in the heart of the village of Eglinton, six miles to the East of Londonderry.

The parish is part of the diocese of Derry, the Bishop of which is the Rt. Rev Andrew Forster.

We are a parish of over just over 200 families most of whom are centred around the village but some live in Londonderry city, Ballykelly and Limavady.

We see ourselves as continuing a rich tradition of Anglican worship and witness in the area while making it a priority to offer a warm welcome to the many people of all traditions and none who live nearby or who visit the area and our aim is to include people of all ages and stages on the journey of faith.

Enjoying fun together is important for us and we run regular events for people of all ages to laugh, learn and grow together.  Relationship is at the heart of everything we do; relationship with one another, with our neighbours and, above all, with God.

We are beginning to develop a ministry of Christian healing, with periodic Healing Services and a Prayer Chain for those who’d like us to pray for any need

We seek to work together as much as possible with our fellow Christians in the other faith communities in the area and, together, to be a blessing for all the people of the area.


Who’s Who?

Rector: Rev Canon Paul Hoey

Paul was appointed to the parish in September 2015. He ministered in Belfast, Portadown, Fermanagh and Donegal before coming to Eglinton and also had a roving role for some years when he travelled all over Ireland helping to equip church leaders for mission. He also acts as Parish Development Adviser in the diocese.

Youth Worker:

We are curently praying and searching for someone to fill this post. We share much of our youth work with Faughanvale Presbyterian Church.

Organist and Choir

Our permanent organist post is currently vacant. We are fortunate to have a  number of others who can step in as needed. Our enthusiastic choir sings at special occasions

Praise Band

Alan McElreavey heads up our versatile band which, and are always looking for new talent!

Secretary of the Select Vestry: Elaine Way

Parish Treasurer: Ernest Moore

Churchwardens: Elaine Way and Wendy Deacon

Parish Administrator: Willie Robb phone number 02871812069 or 07719516879


Data Protection

St. Canice’s seeks to comply with current legislation on data protection. Here is a copy of our Data Privacy Notice St Canice’s Data Privacy Notice – May 2018

Safeguarding Trust

Click here for details of the members of the panel that oversees our code of practice with children and young people SAFEGUARDING TRUST PANEL


Copyright © 2016 Parish Of Faughanvale, Diocese of Derry & Raphoe
Website by Nearthing.co.uk

How To Find Us

Postcode BT47 3AB


St Canice’s church is on Main Street, Eglinton, opposite the health Centre. Coming in to the village from the Campsie roundabout turn left at the junction and the church is a few hundred yards further on the left.

geographical coordinates 55.0271959 -7.1738336


Copyright © 2016 Parish Of Faughanvale, Diocese of Derry & Raphoe
Website by Nearthing.co.uk

Contact Us

Rev Canon Paul Hoey
The Rectory
21 Main Street
Co Londonderry

Ph: 02871 812462

E: dphoey@btinternet.com


Copyright © 2016 Parish Of Faughanvale, Diocese of Derry & Raphoe
Website by Nearthing.co.uk